博客來精選推薦Fake It Till You Make It
Fake It Till You Make It
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Fake It Till You Make It台中水晶店
Preaching As Reminding- Stirring Memory in an Age of Forgetfulness ![]() |
Conflict, Mediated Message, and Group Dynamics- Intersections of Communication ![]() |
Can the truth really set you free? Genevieve Applegate is tired of her stagnant life and she’s ready to make a change by going after her dream job in New Jersey. The listing seems ideal when Genevieve scans it, but a big surprise comes at her interview: Out Shore Magazine is an LGBT publication. She’s willing to work around this detail with an innocent lie, one she’ll keep from her longtime boyfriend as well as her new boss, Harper Davies. Out Shore has been Harper’s main focus since her heart was broken years ago, but Genevieve may be the one to change that with her fresh perspective and charm. While both women enjoy what they learn about each other, Genevieve is most surprised by what she learns about herself. Pretending to be a lesbian has never felt more honest.
- 作者: Ullrich, M.
- 原文出版社:Bold Strokes Books
- 出版日期:2017/06/20
- 語言:英文
Fake It Till You Make It